Plexr Plus Plasma
The first fully licensed plasma technology in Canada
The Plexr device induces plasma formation by ionizing gas particles between its precise 0.5mm-wide probe and the skin, generating an electrical arc. This technology exhibits exceptional precision, enabling treatment of specific areas like the eyelids without direct contact or harm to the skin or eye.
Plasma is likened to a "lightning bolt." Just as lightning vaporizes everything it contacts, leaving behind carbon residue, plasma vaporizes cells on the skin, leaving a crust of carbon. This crust
eventually heals, revealing the treated skin beneath. In addition to vaporization, or "sublimation," of unwanted skin, Plexr provides a triple effect of tissue tightening and increased collagen production. This treatment acts specifically on the topmost layer of the skin while safeguarding the underlying layers, significantly diminishing the potential for enduring skin damage.
Unlike mere tightening, Plexr involves the actual removal of skin, resulting in effects that should endure as long as those from invasive surgery. While not entirely permanent due to the natural
aging process, positive outcomes should persist for years rather than months, as is often the case with other procedures.
Non-surgical blephroplasty (upper and lower eyelid laxity)
Bar-code lines
Forehead wrinkles
Skin Laxity on face or body
Skin tags, moles and cherry angiomas
Seborrhic Keratosis
A consultation is recommended to discuss your goals, treatment and post-care expectations.